West High IB


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Here is a list of courses IB students may take during the 2004-2005 school year. All IB students must take six academic courses, one each from six groups shown below.

Group 1 [Language A]

Group 2 [Language B]

Group 3 [Individuals and Society]

Group 4 [Experimental Sciences]

Group 5 [Mathematics]

Group 6 [Arts and Electives]

Other Courses

Course Descriptions

IB English

Course Description:

IB English will explore the interrelated and distinct ideas in literature from six cultures - Latin American, European, African, North American, Japanese, Greek - from ancient civilizations to contemporary societies. Regardless of the unit of study, the class will typically follow this process: students will closely examine literature through independent reading and class discussion. The teacher will help focus students’ reading and discussions through questions, direct instruction, and structured activities, all of which encourage critical thinking. Students will then create a variety of unique products (each assessed according to IB criteria) that reflect personal understanding, detailed interpretation, recognition and appreciation of diverse cultures and literary forms. In the 11th grade IB English will co-seat with Honors 11 English, and in the 12th grade, with AP English. The IB course work will take precedence. Special study units will be prepared for students preparing for the AP Test.


IB English will enable students to:


English A1 HL candidates will be able to:

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IB Spanish

Course Description:

IB Spanish is a two year course in which reading, writing, dialogues, and oral activities will be part of the daily routine. Students will be guided to do improvisation and practice spontaneous oral and written communication. They will acquire a basic geographic, ethnic, and cultural knowledge of the Spanish speaking countries in the world. Class will be conducted in Spanish ninety percent of the time and students are strongly encouraged to attempt to communicate in Spanish. They will practice daily oral communication and drills to perfect and learn correct conjugations. Questions and answer activities (dialogues, discussions, debates, interviews and individual or group conversations) in Spanish will be routine. Their cultural enrichment will develop by reading authentic materials, watching the news in Spanish and studying current events in the Hispanic world. Students will be using a variety of texts to become familiar with all the styles of the Spanish language.

Reading skills will be broadened to include authentic material such as short stories, plays and poems. Writing skills will include the perfecting of grammar and structure through the writing of compositions and summaries. At the end of the year, each student will be expected to write his/her own story in Spanish and prepare a portfolio.

Course Aims:

Course Objectives:

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IB Russian

Course Description:

Russian SL is a two-year course for students with some previous Russian language experience, that addresses each of the four IB curriculum areas: reading, writing, speaking and listening. Besides intensive study of spoken and written Russian, students will improve their use of Russian grammar and study the history of Russia, its geography, and its people, especially as expressed through the visual and written arts. Students will communicate by E-mail with Russians in America and in Russia. Current events - both on line and in paper form - will supplement text and other materials. Students will complete projects and participate in events that help them prepare for the IB assessment, including the National Essay Contest and the Olympiada of Spoken Russian.

Course Aims:

Russian students will learn to:


Students in IB Russian will be able to:

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IB French

Description of IB French:

IB French is a two-year course in which reading, writing, dialogues, and oral activities will be a part of the daily routine. French Level One and Two are prerequisites for this course. Students will be guided to do improvisation and practice spontaneous oral and written communication. They will acquire a basic geographic, ethnic, and cultural knowledge of the French speaking countries in the world. Class will be conducted in French ninety percent of the time and students will be strongly encouraged to attempt to communicate in French. They will practice daily oral communication and drills to learn correct conjugations. Question and answer activities (dialogues, discussions, debates, interviews and individual or group conversations) in French will be routine. Their cultural enrichment will develop by reading authentic materials, including newspapers and magazines in French, and studying current events in the francophone world. Students will be using a variety of texts, auditory and video materials to become familiar with various dialects of the francophone world.

Reading skills will be broadened to include authentic material such as short stories, plays and poems. Writing skills will include the perfecting of grammar and structure through the writing of compositions and summaries. At the end of the year, each student will be expected to write his/her own story in French and prepare a portfolio.

The course will emphasize the five areas recommended in the National Standards for foreign language instruction: communication, connection comparison, culture and communities.

Aims of IB French:

Students will:

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IB European History

Course Description:

IB European history is a two year program designed to develop in students the understanding and appreciation of European and Soviet/Russian influence in the modern world, especially in the 20th Century. The two year course will use primary and other documents to engage students in the study of European history/Cold War from a wide variety of national and historical perspectives, and will challenge them to assess and deal with differing international points of view.

Because we believe that IB is as much about process as about content, History HL Europe will have a dual purpose: students will learn history as well as use history as a vehicle to develop a range of research, study and writing skills they will need to be successful in college and beyond.

Course Aims:

  1. To foster an understanding that the in-depth study of history is not only relevant to our own society, but to other societies, at other times, and in differing ways. And that an appreciation and acceptance of those culturally diverse perspectives on history is vital to achieving a peaceful global community.
  2. To understand that historical ‘truth’ is a relative and often moot concept, depending on the numerous social, cultural and political points of view of the contributors (participants as well as commentators).
  3. To appreciate the differing theories of historical/societal movement (the great man theory posited early in War and Peace; Klauswitz’ idea of war as an extension of politics; Marx and the interplay of economics, politics and governance).
  4. To develop in students the ability to identify, analyze, and evaluate documents so that they can discern point of view and relevance while studying international, and specifically European, events.
  5. To promote a love and respect for history and historical investigation, as well as an understanding of the intimate and undeniable connections between past, present and future events.
  6. To promote the idea that geography, resource availability and demographics figure prominently in historical development.
  7. To develop the students’ research, analytical and writing skills to a level commensurate with that required at university and to communicate to the student that the process of learning is often as valuable as the content studied.
  8. To incorporate into the curriculum national and local social studies standards.


  1. Students will demonstrate their understanding and appreciation of historiography: how history is widely interpreted and differently analyzed, depending upon the differing perspectives of the analysts.
  2. Students will use primary, secondary and tertiary sources to critically examine, evaluate, and analyze historical documents, topics, trends and events, in order to be able to place them in their proper historical context.
  3. Students will demonstrate their understanding of the various interpretations of history, and of the underlying causes of historical ebb and flow: how and why societal forces remain constant and how and why they change.
  4. Through careful selection and analysis of relevant information, students will demonstrate their understanding of a one hundred year period in European history.
  5. Students will integrate their abilities to select materials, and then evaluate, analyze and synthesize them for the study of 20th Century Europe.
  6. Students will demonstrate their understanding of a narrowly defined European historical subject through the writing of 1500-2000 word historical investigation - the Internal Assessment.
  7. Students will demonstrate their analytical skills in class as they present cogent, well-thought out and well-documented oral and written arguments and commentaries in support of a variety of differing international viewpoints.
  8. Students will understand and evaluate the interplay of geography, natural resources availability, demographics and societal development.
  9. Students will demonstrate their ability to use documents to enhance their understanding of European history.
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IB Biology

Course Description:

The IB Biology course will give the students a broad and comprehensive experience in the experimental subject of biology, a science based on the use of the scientific method to answer the universal conundrums faced by all living things, with the hope of increasing the appreciation of, and respect for, life. Beginning with the simple and moving towards the complex, students will use textbooks, laboratory experiments, current worldwide literature and scientific journals to acquire the skills to objectively access and possibly contribute to solving the challenges posed by topics - the Chemistry of Life, Cell & Human Biology, Ecology and Evolution, and especially the field of Genetics, which in recent years has taken the front stage on many ethical and moral issues such as human cloning and genetically altered foods that feed a growing world population. The course will foster communication and cooperation amongst students in their scientific quests to better prepare them to be the future members of the greater international scientific community. It will do the same for faculty as they work with each other and with the students on the Group 4 projects.

Aims of IB Biology


It is the object of this course be sure that all students will be able to:

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IB Chemistry

Course Description:

IB Chemistry will give the students a broad and comprehensive experience in the experimental subject of Chemistry, a science based on the use of the scientific method to answer questions about the composition, structure and properties of all the things around us. Beginning with the simple atom and moving toward complex reactions, students will use textbooks, laboratory experiments, current worldwide literature and scientific journals to acquire the skills to objectively access and possibly contribute to solving some of mysteries in the physical things in our environment. Through this inquiry students will become aware of how chemistry has affected the quality of life today. The course will also foster communication and cooperation amongst students in their scientific quests to better prepare them to be the future members of the greater international scientific community.


The aims of IB Chemistry are to:


It is the object of this course ensure that all students will be able to:

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Mathematics: Standard Level (SL)

Course Description:

This course is for students who recognize a need for a sound background in mathematics for their future studies. This standard level program is aimed at introducing and expanding important concepts and applications through the development of pertinent and specific mathematical methods. Six fundamental core topics will be explored along with several special mathematical topics. The class will also focus on English language skills through presentations and papers. Candidates and their parents will be fully advised regarding the academic requirements and administrative time constraints of the program to ensure proper management and candidate/parent expectations and understanding.

Course Goals:

The goals and areas of emphasis of all coursework are designed to empower students to:


Math SL students will be expected to:

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IB Theatre Arts

IB Theatre Arts will follow a curriculum emphasizing international themes, styles and literature and will be structured around five themes: Performing Skills, World Theatre Skills, Practical Play Analysis, Theatre Production, and Individual Project. The overriding goal of the program is for students to come away with an understanding of the nature of theatre, its place and its contributions to societies all over the world and to become lifelong theatre goers and participants. Students will study the things that distinguish one particular kind of national theatre from another, and things that are similar to both. They will acquire technical skills, knowledge about the theatre and an ability to approach and value a wide range of styles.

Acting techniques will be practiced and there will be a focus on play analysis and directing. The course will also provide the foundation for future individual projects and for the extended essay, if the student chooses this subject for his EE topic.

Students will perform before an audience and demonstrate understanding and some skill in acting techniques. These include, but are not limited to: ensemble work, performance, characterization, script analysis, improvisation, and vocal technique. Independent research and study, peer response and peer coaching, and self-assessment are an integral part of the course work. Students will keep a journal of their experiences during the course, to be used later as the basis for their internal assessment Portfolio.

Aims of IB Theater:

The aims of the Theatre Arts program are to expose students to a wide arena of international theatre styles and innovations. Theatre students will gain a knowledge and understanding of the technical and performance aspects of the stage by studying theatre and by doing theatre. Students will be taught "Acting Onstage and Off" so that the confidence, creativity, and the knowledge of theatre will be a part of their lives forever.

Objectives of IB Theater:

Students will gain

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Visual Arts

Course Description:

The over-all goal of the course is for students to develop a body of work, which represents their individual research, and development of artistic expression. The student’s base of knowledge will not only be based on the teacher’s own training and skill but also inspired by personal research and commitment to a concentration. Students will be given an opportunity to select from a variety of visual media of their choice limited only by the resources available to the individual.

Aims of IB Visual Arts:

West High has both a two-dimensional and a three dimensional studio. This facility, recently renovated, provides for a wide range of choices for students to select their avenue of interest. With two full time art teachers, the student will be prepared to work independently in areas of there choosing. Guidance and support will not only come from those full time teachers in the visual art area but also from the diverse teaching staff, which has demonstrated strengths in specific areas i.e., stained glass, acrylic painting and black and white photography. The daily assembly of these students in a studio environment will provide valuable opportunity for exchange of ideas between students and instructors. Students will be given the freedom to explore their own areas during class time and will be given a structure in which to critique and compare. Formal class presentations will be given on a regular basis. These assignments will be designed to cover the fundamentals of visual art in such a way that the breadth of their portfolio development will be enhanced. Individual instruction will be offered to students in their exploration of their areas of interest, thereby enhancing individual concentrations in the student portfolio.

Studio Work

Students will be expected to demonstrate:

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IB Music

Course description:

Students involved in IB Music will experience the breadth and variety of music in our world. Through in-depth analysis of representative works, the study of genres and styles found around the world, and concentrated effort in solo performance, group performance, or composition, students will gain an educated insight into music and enhance their personal skills as musicians.

All students will participate in coursework, historical surveys, theory, ear training, and musical investigation of a variety of genres. Additionally, students will select a personal emphasis in solo performance, group performance, or composition.

Assessment of student achievement will include recordings of' student performance, a journal of written work, and an external assessment tool prescribed by IBO that includes musical analysis and comparative essays based on written and aural examples.

Students may fulfill the requirements for the IB Group Performance option by enrolling concurrently in one of the following performance ensembles: Concert Choir, Show Choir, Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Jazz Band, Percussion Ensemble, or String Orchestra

Course aims:

Give students the skills to explore and enjoy the diversity of music throughout the world

Encourage students to develop perceptual skills through a breadth of musical experiences where they will learn to recognize, speculate, analyze, identify, discriminate, and hypothesize in relation to music

Enable students to develop creatively their knowledge, abilities, and understanding of music through performance and composition

Assist students to develop their potential as musicians both personally and collaboratively, in whatever capacity to the fullest extent possible

Course objectives:

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IB Theory of Knowledge

Course Description:

The Theory of Knowledge is at the heart of the IB hexagon of courses, and, although it comprises only a small percentage of the class time, ToK does indeed belong in the center. The purpose of the ToK course is to provide a forum for students to critically reflect upon their education. The goal is to help them to become mindful learners in two important ways: first, to be able to see the connections between the disparate fields of their six core subjects, and second to begin to answer for themselves the questions of epistemology: What does it mean to know something? How do you come to know a thing? How certain can you be of that knowledge? How can a learner evaluate between competing truths?

One of the unifying aims of the course will be to have students examine for themselves the competing ideas of cultural relativism and objectivity. While coming to understand and appreciate how divergent understandings come to be, we also wish to guard against a relativism that says that all possibilities are equally valid, meaning that uncertainty is absolute.

Students will spend their time in class discussing problems of knowledge they encounter in their other classes, seminar-type discussions based on short readings pertaining to issues of knowing, and discussions of the essential questions of each of the subsections of the ToK diagram. Grades each semester will be based on participation, a reflective journal, one oral presentation, and one essay based on one of the IB prescribed titles.

ToK Aims:

ToK will attempt to instill in learners:

ToK Objectives:

Candidates will be able to:

  • reason critically about knowledge claims and the roles and importance of knowledge in the world.
  • demonstrate their understanding about how Ways of Knowing (reason or language, for instance) and our core contents areas (math, science, the arts, for instance) overlap and influence one another, and how their own experiences and knowledge claims are intertwined in these areas.
  • look at different cultures and assess the values that underlie and contribute to knowledge claims.
  • show how one’s own knowledge claims, as those of others, are based on differing belief systems and points of view.
  • compare the various Ways of Knowing and Areas of Knowledge in terms of effectiveness and weaknesses.
  • clearly demonstrate, in writing and orally, an ability to communicate about ToK topics.
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    Creativity, Action, Service

    The CAS component is the "heart" of the IB program. The goal of developing a well-rounded student with a healthy body and a healthy mind parallels the goals of a strong CAS program. The challenge that West Anchorage High is prepared to undertake is "to design activities that integrate the spirit of CAS with the uniqueness of the school and the local community."

    Students will work with the CAS coordinator throughout their junior and senior years in defining activities that focus on creativity, action, and service. Creativity can be likened to the "planning" stage. Action is implementing the plan. Service entails helping others using the plan – "thinking globally and then acting locally." There are numerous values that are intrinsic to CAS and can include but are not limited to the following: responsibility as a citizen of the world; receptive to different experiences and ideas; diversity of experiences; examination of individual values; discovery of talents; validation of individual interests; strengthening individual identity; discovering balance in life; increase of awareness of the world; explore and expand possibilities.

    Collaborative partnerships with students, parents, school, and community with the CAS coordinator will insure that this component will be successful. Documentation is necessary to monitor activities but there will be room for flexibility. Written records, photos, web sites, bulletin boards, presentations, newsletters, etc. can be used to certify activities that will fulfill the minimum 150 hours that insure that the IB candidate has a new role with a real task that has real consequences that gives them opportunities for reflection. The following activities are "examples of good practice": teaching children who have a disability to cross country ski; coaching a sports team; teaching a musical instrument; designing and constructing bulletin boards with specific messages that encourage reflection; writing for the school paper; working on a beautification project at a local children’s shelter; teaching English to recently arrived immigrant children; writing and publishing a newsletter at a care facility; planning and participating in a running race; participating in Habitat for Humanity; organizing a clean up day; organizing student participation in the Model United Nations; Raising funds for Amnesty International; creating a CAS web site. Students as they work with the CAS coordinator will determine those activities that will foster the CAS spirit in each IB candidate.

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    Website by Mike Mintz [mikemintz.com]